A healthy diet is a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients necessary to ensure the health of the body
Intended food-balanced food that contains all the nutrients necessary for the body and in quantities suitable for everyday needs, and there is no food in nature contains encourages food, so the process of balance of food depends on the integration of a range of food with each other for the purpose of supplementing deficiencies in value food.
Intended food-balanced food that contains all the nutrients necessary for the body and in quantities suitable for everyday needs, and there is no food in nature contains encourages food, so the process of balance of food depends on the integration of a range of food with each other for the purpose of supplementing deficiencies in value food.
To facilitate the selection of food composition and a balanced diet has been divided into 5 groups of food to a major grain and their substitutes, vegetables, fruits, meat and alternatives, milk and alternatives, energy supplements. And relatively similar in each group contain nutrients. Food can be used the same group as alternatives to each other so that the diversification in the food as much as possible and in line with the tastes of people.
The healthy diet helps to prevent not only heart disease, diabetes, cancer and hardening of the arteries, but many diseases such as constipation, obesity, stomach disorders and tooth decay.
: Lack of micro-nutrient food (iron, iodine and vitamin A) lead to some health problems.
• The lack of iron in the diet leads to anemia, a health problem for children and adult alike. And may occur as a result of not eating food rich in iron, or non-iron absorption from the intestine, or an increased need for iron during periods of growth in children or during pregnancy or menstrual periods in women.
: Lack of micro-nutrient food (iron, iodine and vitamin A) lead to some health problems.
• The lack of iron in the diet leads to anemia, a health problem for children and adult alike. And may occur as a result of not eating food rich in iron, or non-iron absorption from the intestine, or an increased need for iron during periods of growth in children or during pregnancy or menstrual periods in women.
To avoid this problem should:
- Start to add complementary foods that contain iron gradually
- Trying to eat iron-rich foods like liver, red meat and vegetables, a dark-green leaves.
- Start to add complementary foods that contain iron gradually
- Trying to eat iron-rich foods like liver, red meat and vegetables, a dark-green leaves.
- Improve the absorption of iron in food intake by eating foods rich in vitamin (c) because they facilitate the absorption of iron from plant sources.
• Lack of iodine in food a very important health problem leading to lack of fetal weight at birth, and delayed mental and physical growth in children with, in addition to the difficulties of academic achievement.
To avoid this problem should
- Eating food rich in iodine such as fish and seafood.
- The use of salt fortified with iodine in quantities usual.
• vitamin A deficiency (a) in the diet leads to some very important health problems such as poor night vision (night blindness), a weakened immune system leading to increased risk of diseases such as diarrhea and measles.
- Eating food rich in iodine such as fish and seafood.
- The use of salt fortified with iodine in quantities usual.
• vitamin A deficiency (a) in the diet leads to some very important health problems such as poor night vision (night blindness), a weakened immune system leading to increased risk of diseases such as diarrhea and measles.
To avoid this problem should:
- Add complementary foods that contain vitamin A.
- Trying to eat foods rich in vitamin A such as milk, eggs, fish, liver and butter, and dark leafy vegetables, plants, yellow carrots and mango
- Add complementary foods that contain vitamin A.
- Trying to eat foods rich in vitamin A such as milk, eggs, fish, liver and butter, and dark leafy vegetables, plants, yellow carrots and mango
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