Smart 10 ways to get more calcium

Smart 10 ways to get more calcium

Maintain strong bones that can contribute to the prevention of serious or getting your family and osteoporosis, or loss of bone density that can lead to spinal deformity, severe pain in the back, hip fractures, and many other problems that could accelerate progress in age. If you do not like calcium-rich products These are some smart ways to get calcium and add it to your daily routine
1. Not Stingy on dairy products.
When we advance in age, many of us to give up drinking milk. This is a big mistake, experts say that the use of milk and dairy products is the best way to get calcium what was not injured the sensitivity of pure or follow strict vegetarian diet. good news: linking many people between eating dairy products and increase the weight, but-free products-fat, which contains 2 percent of fat, calcium-rich more than full-cream milk. For persons who do not like milk, there are several options such as cheese, milk, butter, ice cream, all of which is rich in calcium-.

2. Health-use of the milk.
Instead of trying to persuade children or even adults handling Kobe milk, by adding to national and your appetite, such as kickboxing, and, sweets, pasta sauce and many other prescriptions which could be added to dairy products.

3. make some dishes of cheese.
Not Limit your thinking in common, such as cheese and Suez. Mozzarella, ricotta - were all impressive in Italian dishes which they love all such as seafood pasta cowardice And lasagna. Start Your day is preparing a plate of fried eggs of cowardice and urban  flour products pizza various types of cheese.

4. Concentrate on calcium-subsidized products.
 Concentrate on calcium-subsidized products. An essential component of calcium diet for many products such as orange juice, breakfast cereals, milk and soybean, wheat flour and any other food containing the words (supported by calcium-).

5. Choose a Soy .
Do you know that subsidized Soy milk containing calcium more of milk -- around 400 milligrams . Recent studies also showed that calcium in Soy milk easy absorption such as milk. introduced more calcium To your food through eating the Soy also fresh or dried. calcium-rich the tofu also: half of Kobe contains 250 milligrams, or 25 percent of your stuff daily. For more calcium,Choose tofu calcium-Canned

6. Vegetables calcium-rich.

Longer rapeseed, Broccoli, lettuce, draped in, vegetables and paper-based source of great calcium. But the problem is that calcium in vegetables do not absorb easily, such as dairy products.spinach, red beet is rich in substance , which does not help to absorb calcium. This is not a problem if I get calcium of Albanians for handling for vegetarians and advise the authority of vegetables such as paper-based lettuce And spinach with soy grains or sesame and rich in calcium-, or (cheese).

7. Addressing the supplement to calcium-rich.

The existence of a sufficient quantity of magnesium in the body is crucial to absorb calcium. In fact, a research showed that high levels of calcium and low levels for magnesium could contribute to the loss of bone density. The experts recommended to the share of handling two Calcium magnesium. If you're taking 1,000 of mg calcium in the day, you need 500 mg of magnesium. Another thing: your body can absorb about 500 mg of calcium in every time; and secretes the rest. Therefore, would be better dealt with two doses of calcium small twice a day, AM and pm. must be taken carbonate calcium with their meals, you can eat calcium with or without food.

8. Of taking calcium with vitamin D
vitamin D is crucial to get healthy bone, and contains calcium-energy-related. Research showed an interview that we lose 2 to 4 percent of كثافتنا bone during the winter because of lack of vitamin D. To stop this, it is recommended that more experts to obtain 15 minutes every day of sunshine for vitamin D is necessary to build the bone, and taking at least 1,000 (International units) of vitamin D.

9. Reduce coffee (or coffee mix milk).
caffeine could weaken the more necessary to put the bones for increasing the percentage of calcium. To avoid that by identifying the amount of caffeine in the day. If you are addicted to coffee tried to put a little milk or to increase calcium kishtah (milk free FAT).

10. Beware of protein-rich diet.
With respect to Mr. Atkins, animal protein-rich diet could cause a reduction in bone density. This is because protein disintegrated in the body to the components of your body calcium acid is used for the warehouse has were. If you are dealing with red meat, eggs, frequently, you are in the risk of Necrosis bones. And recommend experts using in flying calcium  and reduction of red meat and protein as much as possible.

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