To start the programmer of physical fitness

To start the programmer of physical fitness 

It might be to start the programmer of physical fitness is one of the best things that you can do for your health, could be for physical activity with the approval of your doctor on the performance of the exercises, to work on reducing the risks of chronic diseases,and to improve the balance and coordination and help you to lose weight - and even improve sleep habits and you have to yourself, for your opinions.

5 Steps to start work:

Step 1: the values of the level of physical fitness
Perhaps you have the idea of how تمتعك fit, but that the assessment of the registration of the main points for physical fitness could give you standards on the amount of you. In order to assess muscle activity For your fitness and your flexibility, and body build physical, the pastor of the registration of the following:
  • Your pulse rate before and after walking for one.
  • The duration of one kilometer to cut off.
  • The number of exercises "ethnic-ups of the status of full prostration" (Push-ups (which they could take in the same time.
  • The extent to which you can access forward during your sitting on the ground with your legs forward.
  • The body mass labs you have, you can calculated by dividing Weight (kilograms) to square about (meters).
Step 2: designed the programmer of physical fitness your 

It is easy to say that you will exercise every day, you will need to be a plan. When your design of the programmer of physical fitness your mind you put these points:
  • Take into account the objectives of your physical fitness. Have you start of the programmer of physical fitness to help lose weight? Or do you have a motive for the last such as the preparation of the five kilometers race? That the presence of clear objectives you have to measure can help you. Most adults should be on the search for the performance of the activity of medium intensity aieropk term at least 300 minutes or activity strong aieropk 150 minutes a week. Adults also needs two or more of the Force exercises (such as lifting weights iron) every week.
  • put the plan of logical for the advancement of the activity. If I had just begun to perform exercises, and he showed cautiously and included slowly. If you have injured or satisfactory condition, Qom to consult specialists your doctor or one of the natural treatment to help you in the design of the programmer of physical fitness gradually improve the rate of the Movement and strength and endurance you have.
  • The thought of how to make your daily routine content on the activities. find time to perform exercises can be a challenge, to make this easier Qom to set a timetable for the performance of the exercises as if I will determine any another date. Planned to watch your program preferred television while walking on a machine walk, or Qom reading during drive fixed on a bicycle.
  • Plans to include your program different activities. Various activities that could be away impatience on the continuation of the performance of exercises. Also is working to reduce your chances of injury or the excessive use muscle detailed or specific. Plans to carry out the work of an exchange between activities that focus on different parts of your body such as walking, swimming and exercises physical force.
  • give time to recover. Most of the people exercise starts enthusiastically - to do exercises or for a long time - strongly and surrender when their muscles pained or are infected. Systems of the time between meetings to get your body to rest and recovery.
  •  writing your plan. The plan had been written to stay on track.
Step 3: had processed your equipment 

It is likely that you will start running shoes. It was confirmed by the selection of shoes designed an activity which is taking place in your mind.
If I was planning to invest in equipment sports exercises, the selection of the organs of the process of, and enjoyable stay and user-friendly. may wish of the experience of certain types of equipment in the center for physical fitness before carrying out your investment in equipment.

Step 4: Never 

You are now ready to work. put this advice into account when you start your physical fitness programmer:
  • Slowly add never gradually. Give yourself a lot of time co-hosts and calmness, walking slowly or simple stretching exercises and then accelerated the pace to the extent that it will be able to continue for a period of 5 to 10 minutes without a sense of great stress. I have been working to increase the duration of the time of the performance of exercise, when gradually improved the capacity . Qom, an increase of exercises to reach 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days a week.
  • I am working on the division of the exercises if I have to do so. I am not obliged to carry out all exercises one time. There is also the benefits of Lu xor and more frequent meetings. It was commensurate with the performance of exercises for a period of fifteen minutes several times a day table better with the time of one meeting for a period of 30 minutes.
  • Be creative. may involve exercise, which is to perform on the activities of multi-like walking or riding a bicycle or blasphemy. But do not stop at that limit, Qom, for example, long a ride on foot with your family in the weekly holiday.
  • listen to your body. The introduction to rest if you feel pain or shortness of breath or roles or nausea. Perhaps you harsh on yourself a lot.
  • Be flexible. allow yourself to take a day or two holidays of exercises if did not feel well.
Step 5: You watched 

Assessment of repeated physical fitness after the start of the programmer of physical fitness your six weeks and then every three to six months. Notes may you will be needed to increase the duration of your performance to exercises in order to continue the improvement, or may be surprised to discover that while that delights you do the exercises was to the extent required to reach your goal of physical fitness.
If lost the motivation, defining new objectives or try a new activity, may also perform exercises with friends or taking lessons in one of the centers of physical fitness to help you.
The programmer is to start exercises an important decision, but should not be confusing. You will, through careful planning and training of yourself to establish healthy habits remain on the extent of life.

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